15June 2020

Have you ever paid for a service and later find out something wasn’t completed or done right?
It’s happened to me and I’m pretty certain it’s happened to all of you!
Maybe you hired a landscaper to do your lawn and after they leave, you notice they didn’t trim the bushes as agreed upon.
Maybe you got satellite tv but you can’t watch Game of Thrones as planned because of an error.
Now imagine you’re a business.
You hire (outsource) a task that is way too time-consuming for the company to take on and you realize they are making mistakes with YOUR money!
Business owners outsource because their TIME is worth so much more than the cost of outsourcing a tedious activity.
As I’ve mentioned before, owners deal with overwhelm daily because, at their level, they are dealing with planning, budgets, facilities, etc etc etc…
…when they want to be focusing on their customers!
To have to put all of those things on hold to spot check just to find the service they are paying for is not being done right is…
If you’re a service provider, do what you say you’re going to do. It’s basic customer service.
If you’re a good service provider, over-deliver on what you say you’re going to do.
If you’re an owner, do NOT lose your TIME and MONEY on subpar service. Make a change. STOP wasting resources.
When you race to find the cheapest price, consider what you get for it.
If you pay a little more and it gives you the freedom to focus more on your customers…
So get off the fence
STOP wasting time
Get your time and results back.
You’ll thank me later. 😉